Disclaimer: I'm being pretty straight forward in this article. However, it is not the intention to endorse or belittle any product or technology, even though there may be statements that could possibly be interpreted that way by someone. Everything in this article is presented as facts as seen from my perspective. And so, if any statements appear to be directly wrong, I hereby apologize. Feel free to leave a comment.
Being fairly new to the world of Umbraco CMS, and coming from the world of Sitecore CMS, I've noticed both some good things and some not so good things about Umbraco.
On the good side, I think it is much easier to get started with Umbraco, than was my experience starting out with Sitecore. On the surface the two may appear similar, but when you actually start doing stuff, I find Sitecore more complex than Umbraco, especially for smaller solutions.
However, when it comes to larger solutions Umbraco definitely has its shortcomings. For example, when doing team development you really start to feel the pain, and it doesn't get better when introducing automatic deployment to multiple environments. Sitecore in itself is not really better in these matters, and it is only by making use of a third party tool, TDS (Team Development for Sitecore), that a real advantage is gained.
With TDS each developer can work in a complete separate environment (his local machine), even including the database. TDS serializes Sitecore items to text files, which can then be part of the solution's source code and therefore checked-in to a source control system. TDS also helps with synchronizing between Sitecore items in DB and textual items in the solution by providing a fairly simple-to-use UI. With regards to deployment TDS can make packages of Sitecore items, which can then be installed on the different environments using a small included command-line tool.
I haven't seen anything at that level for Umbraco. Usually team development occurs on a shared database, but with local source code. This makes feature-driven development kind of hard. Even though you work on isolated source code, you can't make changes in backoffice without the risk of disturbing someone else's work. With regards to deployment Umbraco has Courier, which when reading about it sounds very promising, but which in the current version (2.11) simply doesn't work (to clarify: it fails to transfer revisions to other environments). I hope this will be fixed soon :)
Courier provides the means of creating revisions, i.e. packages of Umbraco items. It lets you select which items to include in the revision, and can even automatically include any dependent items. There is one shortcoming though. When using automatic dependent item inclusion there is no distinction between content items and non-content items. So you'll end up with adding content items to the revision when using this functionality. This presents problems later when deploying to a live environment where editors have created content, since you risk overwriting their work. So it seems better to disable the automatic dependency thingy when creating revisions.
Another shortcoming of Courier is documentation and sample code, which is a couple of years behind the current version (2.11). This is too bad, because you really need this if you want to make use of the Courier API for creating command-line based tools for deployment automation.
Well then, all that being said, I think it's time for what this post is really about - deployment using Courier through source control.
In the company where I work we have multiple environments: DEV, TEST, PREPROD and PROD. Furthermore, we use GIT for source control, TeamCity as build server, and Octopus for deployment. Ultimately I would like to automate the whole process of deployment, so that I with the press of a button can deploy both application files and Umbraco items. Due to the shortcomings mentioned earlier this is currently wishful thinking. So for now I have settled for a more manual approach. Here's the deal.
In backoffice I have created what I call a long-lived Courier revision. It is just a normal revision, but it will stay there at all times, and when preparing for a release, I will simply just update this revision to reflect the current state of the non-content Umbraco items to be part of deployment. That is, the revision should always contain everything needed to deploy to a fresh environment. And it should be added without auto-including dependent items. Currently in my situation it means to include the following:
- Datatypes
- Document types
- Macros
- Templates
A note on adding Templates; I'm really only interested in including the database part of the templates, but actually the razor files are also added, which is unnecessary since they will already part of application files deployment. It is not catastrophic, just inconvenient.
Due to the issue mentioned earlier with Courier 2.11 unable to transfer revisions, and due to the fact that we (developers in my company) don't have access to PREPROD and PROD environments, an ingenious scheme had to be devised for getting the revision moved to these environments.
The solution is to include the revision as part of the source code. The revision is simply a folder structure with a bunch of files located at App_Data\courier\revisions\ and adding this to the GIT repository is perfectly doable. Since revision files are just plain XML files, having these source controlled gives the added benefit of being able to inspect changes (git diff) before committing.
Now, when deploying to an environment the revision just follows any other application files, and it is then a simple matter to go into to backoffice on that environment, select Courier, and install the revision.
I find this approach simple and pragmatic. However, I do hope to be able to automate it more in the future when Courier becomes a bit more mature/stable.
Thanks for this tip! I'm just getting started with a similar approach. So far so good. I sure wish I had some updated Courier API docs though, or a more recent sample.
Thanks for this. Just what we need to make sure we track Umbraco item changes. How do you make Courier only have a single "long-lived Courier revision"? Do you just merge the changes into this revision manually, or have you a way of getting courier to always update this revision? Also, what other Courier settings do you need for this?
Don't worry, I found the answer pretty easily. I usually use Courier through the item level but found that I should be creating the revision through the Courier section in Umbraco where I can create a named revision and the data items it includes. I will leave this post up for future viewers.
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